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Posted by on Mar 10, 2015 in Motivation |

Career changes in middle age: 5 ways to make job loss work for you

Career changes in middle age: 5 ways to make job loss work for you

You can make a career change yourself, or have it thrust upon you. Either way it can be scary.

When you’re in your 40s or 50s, leaving a job you’ve had for years makes you feel the way a snail would feel about having its shell removed – it may have weighed you down and slowed your progress, but losing it hurt you a lot, and now you’re unprotected and on your own against the world. And a slug.

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Posted by on Feb 17, 2015 in Motivation | 1 comment

Beware of the tigers: Create a plan to change your life and hack your way through the jungle

Beware of the tigers: Create a plan to change your life and hack your way through the jungle

Do you want to change your life?

It’s a jungle out there. You’ll have to take some protective clothing and mosquito ointment, don’t forget a stash of provisions to keep you going, you’ll need a map to find your way – oh, and look out for the tigers!

Setting out to change your whole life can be like mounting an expedition through uncharted jungle. All around you are obstacles you’ll need to get past, things which can tangle you up and hold you back.

You don’t know exactly what’s out there or even where you’ll end up, but you know it’s not gonna be a walk in the park. You’ll need to be intrepid, determined and ready to face whatever comes your way – but most of all, you’ll need to be prepared, so it’s important to plan carefully before you start out.

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Posted by on Feb 10, 2015 in Motivation, Self-Control | 2 comments

10 ways to live like a warrior: a code of honour for a better life

10 ways to live like a warrior: a code of honour for a better life

The concept of honour may be ancient, but it can never be out-dated. You don’t need to slay dragons or rescue maidens to follow a warrior code – it’s as valid in a modern family or a business setting as it was in days of old.

Being a decent human being is its own reward – when you know you’re basically a good person instead of a slimy, back-stabbing weasel, it makes you feel good inside.

Long-term, it can win you warm and loving relationships based on genuine liking instead of smarmy flattery. It can get you further in life than any amount of clever scheming and office politics. And it can give you a better life – instead of trying to achieve a popularity-seeking, artificial personality you’ll never truly possess, you’ll have a life based on what you really are.

Because what you really are is someone worth knowing.

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Posted by on Jan 27, 2015 in Purpose |

Why midlife crises happen:  what went wrong for the Sandwich Generation

Why midlife crises happen: what went wrong for the Sandwich Generation

You don’t need to be middle-aged to have a midlife crisis, but it helps. It can happen as early as age 30, but now that we’re all living longer, ‘middle age’ often refers to 45-65 year-olds.

Middle age isn’t as much fun as we expected it to be. We’re old enough to know the things we shouldn’t do, but young enough to decide to do them anyway, and now we can’t blame anyone else when they go horribly wrong.

We think we’ve got life sussed, but somehow the goal-posts seem to keep moving. The more we learn, the less we know. We’re determined to live within our incomes, but somehow we keep borrowing more money. We’re surrounded by friends and family, but we’ve never felt more alone.

We’ve made a bit of progress with our careers, but perhaps not as much as we’d hoped, and now we’re worried about losing our jobs because at our age, we’d be unemployable. We know each other well enough to achieve great sex, but to be honest we’d rather have an ibuprofen and watch TV in bed.

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