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Posted by on Jun 11, 2015 | 1 comment

Quote: The paragon of animals

canstockphoto14711485You’re incredible, you are. A real piece of work.

And I don’t mean that the way it sounded!

I was referring to the speech from Shakespeare’s Hamlet:

‘What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!’

He’s marvelling at the power of humans to understand, to reason, to learn and to do. And he’s talking about you.

Because you’re wonderful.

It’s true. It’s almost unbelievable that, out of the 7 billion people on our planet, you are the only one exactly like YOU.

And you have so much potential that no one else has. You are unique. Everything you do, everything you think, everything you create is unique and special.

So go out there and be amazing!

1 Comment

  1. ME? Why, thank you!
    We can all use a boost occasionally 🙂

    PS Hey Dodo … you’re incredible too xxx

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