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Posted by on Jun 6, 2015 in Motivation |

That sheepish feeling: don’t let your mistakes define who you are

That sheepish feeling: don’t let your mistakes define who you are

A man goes into a bar.

There’s an old guy in there, sitting all alone, looking gloomy.

“What’s up?” asks the newcomer.

“I really hate my nickname,” says the old guy.

“Oh, why?” he asks.

“Well,” says the old man, “I’ve been a carpenter for 40 years. Do they call me Sam the Carpenter? Oh, no.

“And I’m a keen photographer. I’ve taken over 10,000 photos in the last ten years. Do they call me Sam the Phototographer? Of course not.

“And I’ve been collecting all my life – stamps, coins, china. Do they call me Sam the Collector? No chance.

“But shag just one lousy sheep…”

You don’t need to let your mistakes define who you are

An error of judgment is something you’ve done, not something you are.

Whatever other people think or say about you, it’s still possible to rise above the shame of having made mistakes in the past, and make the effort to build a new future for yourself and your family.

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Posted by on Apr 20, 2015 in Creativity, Purpose | 2 comments

10 ways to achieve something worthwhile with your life

10 ways to achieve something worthwhile with your life

Sometimes we just feel dissatisfied with who we are and what we’ve done so far in our lives. Do you long to achieve something – anything – but you can’t think what?

If we don’t like the way our lives are going, we can break the mould. It’s time to develop our sense of achievement and harness our skills and experience to do something amazing.

Here are some ideas…

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Posted by on Dec 4, 2014 in Motivation |

Changing your life: 10 steps to turn a midlife crisis into positive change

Changing your life: 10 steps to turn a midlife crisis into positive change

When a midlife crisis strikes, changing your life in a good way can seem like an impossible dream. You feel like you’ve painted yourself into a corner, and you can’t see any solution for you that doesn’t involve suffering for someone else.

That may not be the case. Before you put on your shades, don your leather jacket and take off to freedom on your Harley Davidson, check out these 10 steps for making a better life.

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